Building stronger communities
through immigrant empowerment
and integration

News & Updates

The Power of Community

Save the date for our annual spring event: The Power of Community. It will be an evening to recognize the power of community in standing up for what is just, defending the rights, humanity, and contributions of immigrants.

Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link11 hours ago
Last week, Neighbors Link hosted a training for police recruits at the Westchester Police Academy. Recruits learned about Westchester demographics and effective ways to engage with the entire community they protect and serve. We are appreciative of this partnership.

La semana pasada, Neighbors Link llevó a cabo una capacitación para nuevos agentes de policía en la Academia de Policía de Westchester. Los agentes aprendieron sobre la demografía de Westchester y formas efectivas de interactuar con toda la comunidad a la que protegen y sirven. Agradecemos esta colaboración.
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link13 hours ago
con SUNY Westchester Community College
Para registrarse u obtener más información envie un correo a
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link13 hours ago
with SUNY Westchester Community College
To register or get more information email or scan the QR code.
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link3 days ago
Join us for an open gallery reception hosted by KindHearts Coalition at Bedford Hills Train Station on Saturday, March 15 from 2-4 PM! Celebrate local artists and their work while supporting Neighbors Link’s mission to empower immigrant communities.
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link3 days ago
Acompáñenos a una recepción de galería de arte abierta organizada por KindHearts Coalition en la estación de tren de Bedford Hills el sábado 15 de marzo de 2 a 4 PM! Celebre el talento de artistas locales y apoye la misión de Neighbors Link de empoderar a las comunidades inmigrantes.

Our Annual Impact – 2024 Numbers


Immigrants Served


Legal Cases


Volunteer Hours


English Language Learners

What We Do

ESOL and Adult Education

At the core of our mission, education programs provide immigrants with essential tools for social inclusion and economic mobility.

Family Center

The Family Center empowers immigrant families with parent education programs, early childhood development and academic support for children and connections to related community resources.

Workforce Development

All workers deserve equal workplace rights and protections as well as opportunities to grow their skills.

Community Law Practice

Providing a full array of immigration legal services, from citizenship applications to removal proceedings.

Community Engagement

Neighbors Link provides community education programs on a wide range of issues related to immigration.

Support Services

Crisis and support services are provided on medical issues, employment, food insecurity and other issues through an extensive network of partnerships.

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