Immigration Myths and Realities

People often come to us looking for advice on how to respond to false information they hear about immigrants. In this series, we debunk dangerous myths about immigration. If you would like to be added to our email list to receive these myths and realities, email Katie Graves-Abe

Immigration Reality 1: Immigrants pay taxes


  • Households led by immigrants contributed a total of $308.6 billion in federal taxes and $150 billion in combined state and local taxes in 2018.
  • Undocumented immigrants are taxpayers – they pay sales and property taxes and many pay income taxes. Undocumented immigrants in the United States paid an estimated $20.1 billion in federal taxes and $11.8 billion in combined state and local taxes in 2018.
  • The Social Security Administration estimates that undocumented immigrants contribute about $12 billion each year to the cash flow of the program without receiving benefits in return because of their status.
  • In New York, undocumented immigrants contribute over $1.4 billion in state and local taxes annually.
  • In 2015, 4.4 million people paid $23.6 billion in total taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). An ITIN is a tax-processing number issued by the IRS to ensure that people can pay taxes even if they do not have a Social Security number.
  • DACA recipients and those who meet DACA eligibility requirements paid an estimated $1.7 billion in combined state and local taxes in 2018.

Immigration Reality 2: Immigrants are learning English slightly faster than their predecessors


  • Immigrants in the United States today are actually learning English slightly faster than their predecessors. Sixty-six percent of immigrants who speak a foreign language at home can also speak English “very well” or “well,” according to a study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
  • In many parts of the country, the demand for English as a Second Language classes is far greater than the services available.
  • The most significant determinant of whether or not immigrants learn a new language is their age at the time of entry. Immigrants who arrive as young children learn a second language quickly while adults find it much more challenging.
  • Pew Research Center found that unauthorized immigrants in the United States are better at speaking English and more educated than they were a decade ago.
  • 89% of native born Hispanics in the U.S. speak English well.

Immigration Reality 3: Immigrants generally do not take jobs from native-born residents


  • Immigrants do not generally compete with U.S. born workers. Instead, immigrants usually compete with the migrants who came before them.
  • Many immigrants with legal authorization to work here are highly skilled and sought after by U.S. companies because of shortages in the native-born skill base. Economists find that highly skilled immigrants have a significant positive impact on creating new jobs in the United States.
  • Undocumented immigrants often fill the lowest rung of employment in construction, agriculture and domestic services. Studies show that low-skilled immigrant workers and low-skilled native-born workers take on very different jobs, with native-born workers taking jobs that require work authorization and English language skills.

Immigration Reality 4: Undocumented immigrants are not eligible to receive most public benefits


  • Undocumented immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid or most other public benefits.
  • Most government assistance programs require proof of legal immigration status and even legal immigrants cannot receive many benefits until they have been in the United States for more than five years.
  • Undocumented immigrants can receive schooling and emergency medical care. A recent report by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce states that “economists view expenditures on healthcare and education for children as investments that pay off later, when those children become workers and taxpayers.”
  • Numerous studies have found that immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in government services and benefits.
  • Legal immigrants use federal public benefit programs at lower rates than U.S.-born citizens.

Immigration Reality 5: Immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes than native-born citizens


  • Decades of research has shown that immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes than native-born citizens.
  • Research also shows that high rates of immigration are associated with lower rates of violent crime and property crime. This holds true for both documented and undocumented immigrants.
  • From 1990 – 2013, immigration in the United States increased significantly, including the number of undocumented immigrants, which more than tripled. During that time, the violent crime rate in this country declined 48%.
  • More recently, there has been a significant increase in immigration to New York that started in April 2022. However, during this time, most major categories of crime (murder, rape, shootings) have decreased and there has not been a significant increase in general crime during this time frame.
  • In 2023, Stanford University released a study that found that immigrants were imprisoned at lower rates than people born in the United States.
  • The reasons for lower crime rates among immigrants are not fully understood. One theory is that people who choose the intense emotional and social sacrifice that comes with migrating are less likely to engage in risky or criminal behavior that would put their new lives in danger. Another theory is that immigrants revitalize neighborhoods and generate economic growth, which helps decrease the crime rate.

Immigration Reality 6: ALL children, regardless of immigration status, must have access to public education


  • Children of undocumented immigrants made up nearly 8% of the U.S. school population in 2016. More than 85% of those children were born in the U.S. and are citizens. The rest are undocumented immigrants themselves. In New York, children of undocumented immigrants make up 6% of the total K-12 school population.
  • The Supreme Court ruled in 1982 that children, regardless of immigration status, must have access to public elementary and secondary education. The Court found that the harm imposed on our entire society by denying undocumented children from public schools was far greater than any resources saved from excluding them.
  • Our entire country benefits from well-educated children. As our population ages, it is expected that today’s immigrant children in elementary school will be an important part of the workforce in the coming decades.
  • There is significant opportunity in increased diversity in our schools. Research shows that increased racial, socioeconomic and ethnic diversity in classrooms provides students with a range of cognitive and social benefits.