Building stronger communities
through immigrant empowerment
and integration

News & Updates

Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link2 days ago
En respuesta a la demanda del Departamento de Justicia de la Administración Trump que impugna la ley Green Light de Nueva York, Neighbors Link emitió la siguiente declaración:

"Esta demanda es un ataque a la seguridad pública de todos los neoyorquinos. Es evidente que todos estamos más seguros cuando quienes conducen comprenden las reglas de tránsito, han sido evaluados y cuentan con el seguro adecuado. Las protecciones de privacidad de datos incluidas en la ley Green Light son medidas de sentido común para resguardar la información personal de todos los habitantes del estado de Nueva York de las búsquedas sin orden judicial. Una de las funciones principales del gobierno es garantizar la seguridad pública, y todos debemos unirnos para proteger esta ley, que ha hecho que nuestras carreteras y comunidades sean más seguras."
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link2 days ago
In response to the Trump Administration's Department of Justice's lawsuit challenging New York's Green Light law, Neighbors Link issued this statement:

"This lawsuit is an attack on the public safety of all New Yorkers. It is clear that we are all safer when everyone who is driving understands the rules of the road, has been tested and is properly insured. The data privacy protections included in Green Light are common sense measures to protect the personal information of all New Yorkers from warrantless searches. One of the primary functions of government is public safety and we must all stand up to protect this law which has made our roads and communities safer."
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link4 days ago
Thank you to our wonderful partners: The Hackley School and Bedford Community Church for joining us in our Mount Kisco center for Family Night this past Friday evening. The Hackley School's post-AP class students delivered a thorough and informative presentation to our parents on digital citizenship and responsible use of social media for youth and adolescents and they did it all in Spanish! The Bedford Community Church members were a great help as well as they engaged with the children in our program through educational activities while the parents participated in this workshop. Thank you, we look forward to having you back!

Gracias a los estudiantes de la escuela de Hackley y miembros de la iglesia de Bedford Community Church por unirse con nosotros en Mount Kisco para nuestro programa de Noche Familiar el pasado viernes. Los estudiantes de la clase de la escuela de Hackley presentaron un taller muy informativo a nuestros padres sobre la ciudadanía digital y uso responsable de las redes sociales para jóvenes y adolescentes y lo hicieron todo en Español. Los miembros de la iglesia de Bedford Community Church también fueron de gran ayuda y trabajaron con los niños de nuestro programa a través de actividades educativas mientras los padres participaban en este taller. ¡Gracias, esperamos tenerlos de vuelta!
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link5 days ago
Are you interested in volunteering with Neighbors Link? Please consider volunteering in our five-session Technology Program at our Mount Kisco center on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 AM - 12 PM: February 18, 19, 25, 26, and March 4th.

Typical session topics include creating fliers, drafting emails, formatting emails, using Google Translate, and getting accustomed to different features of Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets. Volunteers will receive a list of commonly used languages for the class. Classes are warm and welcoming spaces to build community, and volunteers should feel comfortable approaching clients who may be struggling during the guided sessions. Although Spanish literacy is helpful, volunteers are not required to do so. Please email if you are interested.
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link6 days ago
Important lohud article that highlights the many community resources that are available:

Our Annual Impact – 2023 Numbers


Immigrants Served


Legal Cases


Volunteer Hours


English Language Learners

What We Do

ESOL and Adult Education

At the core of our mission, education programs provide immigrants with essential tools for social inclusion and economic mobility.

Family Center

The Family Center empowers immigrant families with parent education programs, early childhood development and academic support for children and connections to related community resources.

Workforce Development

All workers deserve equal workplace rights and protections as well as opportunities to grow their skills.

Community Law Practice

Providing a full array of immigration legal services, from citizenship applications to removal proceedings.

Community Engagement

Neighbors Link provides community education programs on a wide range of issues related to immigration.

Support Services

Crisis and support services are provided on medical issues, employment, food insecurity and other issues through an extensive network of partnerships.

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