Building stronger communities
through immigrant empowerment
and integration

News & Updates

Immigrant Empowerment Campaign

Join us as architects of a stronger, more cohesive community where all residents can achieve economic mobility and social inclusion. Click here to learn more about the Immigrant Empowerment Campaign.

Economic Benefits of Immigration

Immigration is good for the U.S. economy as a whole and the New York economy specifically. Immigration is key to filling workforce needs, creating new businesses, building up our tax base and fueling innovation. Read more about how immigrants benefit the economy.

Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link3 days ago
Learn how you may qualify for this Immigration relief!
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link4 days ago
Cada semana, Neighbors Link se enorgullece de ofrecer clases de tecnología a clientes adultos. Durante las clases, nuestra maravillosa educadora de tecnología, Christine, enseña a los clientes habilidades fundamentales como usar el mouse, escribir, crear folletos, enviar correos electrónicos, usar Google Calendar y más. Durante estas lecciones guiadas, los asistentes de enseñanza de tecnología brindan apoyo personalizado a cualquier alumno que necesite ayuda. ¡Estamos orgullosos de ofrecer este programa que aumenta el acceso a la tecnología para nuestra comunidad de clientes!

¡Actualmente estamos buscando asistentes técnicos en Yonkers! Si está interesado en ofrecerse como asistente de enseñanza de tecnología, comuníquese con Daniela Valdovinos y Elizabeth Parry en
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link4 days ago
Each week, Neighbors Link is proud to offer technology classes to adult clients. During the classes, our wonderful technology educator, Christine, teaches clients fundamental skills like using a mouse, typing, creating flyers, sending emails, using Google Calendar, and more! During these guided lessons, technology teaching assistants provide one on one support to any learners in need of assistance. We're proud to offer this program which increases technology access for our client community!

We are currently seeking TAs for our Yonkers class! If you are interested in volunteering as a technology teaching assistant, please contact Daniela Valdovinos and Elizabeth Parry at
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link5 days ago
Free English tutoring at Neighbors Link in Ossining every Friday from 10-11:30 AM!
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link5 days ago
Tutoría de inglés gratis en Neighbors Link en Ossining cada viernes de 10 a 11:30 AM!
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link1 week ago
An interesting perspective - at Neighbors Link, we see this on the ground everyday, community members stepping forward to welcome new arrivals.

"The story you probably don’t know is that more than 2 million Americans have volunteered to serve as private sponsors for refugees in the last two-and-half years, serving as bridges to safety for newcomers in need.

They’re Republicans and Democrats, Northerners and Southerners, Americans in big coastal cities and in small towns across the heartland. They’ve leveraged over $7 billion in their own time and money to pay for travel; to meet newcomers at the airport; to help them find housing, employment, education and English classes; and to support newcomers navigating their new communities."

Our Annual Impact – 2023 Numbers


Immigrants Served


Legal Cases


Volunteer Hours


English Language Learners

What We Do

ESOL and Adult Education

At the core of our mission, education programs provide immigrants with essential tools for social inclusion and economic mobility.

Family Center

The Family Center empowers immigrant families with parent education programs, early childhood development and academic support for children and connections to related community resources.

Workforce Development

All workers deserve equal workplace rights and protections as well as opportunities to grow their skills.

Community Law Practice

Providing a full array of immigration legal services, from citizenship applications to removal proceedings.

Community Engagement

Neighbors Link provides community education programs on a wide range of issues related to immigration.

Support Services

Crisis and support services are provided on medical issues, employment, food insecurity and other issues through an extensive network of partnerships.

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