Building stronger communities
through immigrant empowerment
and integration

News & Updates

Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link3 days ago
We recently celebrated our annual Mercado de las Fiestas (Holiday Market) at all three of our locations in Mount Kisco, Ossining, and Yonkers. Parents selected gifts for over 1,100 children and over 40 volunteers came to help wrap these gifts. Thousands of toys and other items were donated to make this event possible. THANK YOU to everyone who donated, volunteered, and participated this year. Happy Holidays!

Recientemente celebramos Mercado de las Fiestas en nuestras tres oficinas en Mount Kisco, Ossining y Yonkers. Los padres seleccionaron regalos para más de 1,100 niños y más de 40 voluntarios vinieron a ayudar a envolver estos regalos. Se donaron miles de juguetes y otros artículos para hacer posible este evento. GRACIAS a todos los que donaron, se ofrecieron como voluntarios y participaron este año. ¡Felices fiestas!
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link3 days ago
A huge thank you to Speaker Heastie and Assemblymembers Chris Burdick and Dana Levenberg for procuring $1.2 million for building renovation funds for Neighbors Link! This funding will be used for leasehold improvements to renovate our new 8,000 sq ft Mount Kisco center to our exact specifications and will provide opportunities to increase the frequency and capacity of our program offerings, address urgent needs, and ultimately serve more immigrant community members with critical services.

Un agradecimiento enorme al Presidente de la Asamblea, Heastie, y a los Asambleístas Chris Burdick y Dana Levenberg por obtener $1.2 millones en fondos para la renovación del edificio de Neighbors Link. Estos fondos se utilizarán para mejoras en las instalaciones, permitiendo adecuar nuestro nuevo centro de 8,000 pies cuadrados en Mount Kisco de acuerdo nuestras necesidades. Esto brindará oportunidades para aumentar la frecuencia y capacidad de nuestros programas, atender necesidades urgentes y, poder servir a más miembros de la comunidad inmigrante con servicios esenciales.
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link5 days ago
Back in November, we had our Thanksgiving celebrations across all three of our centers. Empire State NY, LAMA hosted our Family Night and donated 26 Thanksgiving meal kits! Thank you to Gary Cohn and his fantastic volunteers with Temple Shaaray Tefila of Westchester, who supplied Thanksgiving meals at our various centers. Thank you to Jonathan Langsam at Falafel-Taco , who donated Thanksgiving meals to our Mount Kisco event. We had over 30 volunteers come out to our events. THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered to make these such successful events. Happy Holidays!

En noviembre, celebramos el Día de Acción de Gracias en nuestros tres centros. ¡LAMA organizó nuestra noche familiar y donó 26 kits de comida de Acción de Gracias! Gracias a Gary Cohn y sus fantásticos voluntarios de Temple Shaaray Tefila, quienes proporcionaron comidas de Acción de Gracias en nuestros diversos centros. Gracias a Jonathan Langsam de Falafel Taco, quien donó comidas de Acción de Gracias para nuestro evento de Mount Kisco. Tuvimos más de 30 voluntarios que asistieron a nuestros eventos. GRACIAS a todos los que se ofrecieron como voluntarios para que estos eventos fueran tan exitosos. ¡Felices fiestas!
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link5 days ago
Neighbors Link is hosting our annual Coat and Boot Drive for our Worker Center. We are looking for new men's coats, boots, scarves, hats and gloves. Please see the registry included in our flyer for more details. Email Elizabeth and Ciara at for any questions. Thank you!
Neighbors Link
Neighbors Link7 days ago
As we look toward the future, we know there is a lot of fear and uncertainty in our community. In the face of these challenges, Neighbors Link remains committed to defending and protecting family unity. We hope you appreciate this video laying out our path ahead from Carola Otero Bracco. As you watch, please consider making a gift to Neighbors Link.
Neighbors Link

Our Annual Impact – 2023 Numbers


Immigrants Served


Legal Cases


Volunteer Hours


English Language Learners

What We Do

ESOL and Adult Education

At the core of our mission, education programs provide immigrants with essential tools for social inclusion and economic mobility.

Family Center

The Family Center empowers immigrant families with parent education programs, early childhood development and academic support for children and connections to related community resources.

Workforce Development

All workers deserve equal workplace rights and protections as well as opportunities to grow their skills.

Community Law Practice

Providing a full array of immigration legal services, from citizenship applications to removal proceedings.

Community Engagement

Neighbors Link provides community education programs on a wide range of issues related to immigration.

Support Services

Crisis and support services are provided on medical issues, employment, food insecurity and other issues through an extensive network of partnerships.

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