The Friends are a group of dedicated volunteers who support Neighbors Link through fundraising, community outreach and advocacy.
Via annual events such as our Spring Benefit and our Fall Luncheon, the Friends raise funds to support Neighbors Link’s programs.
Community Outreach-The Friends host educational events such as film screenings and panel discussions. Individually, we engage in conversations to dispel myths surrounding immigrant issues and to present facts showing immigrants as valuable members of our community. Friends also attend local government and house of worship meetings to educate community members about Neighbors Link.
Advocacy– Under the direction of Neighbors Link, the Friends advocate for local, county, state and national legislation that promotes the healthy integration of immigrants.
The Friends are growing! We are starting to establish community branches of the Friends of Neighbors Link that focus on specific geographic areas or needs:
Bedford/Katonah Moms Friends of Neighbors Link – Focusing on issues that affect families of Neighbors Link clients
How can I become a Friend of Neighbors Link?
The Friends of Neighbors Link are looking for like-minded, engaged community members to join our committed group. To learn more, please contact Membership Co-Chair Katherine Rothschild: email: kkroths@me.com
Friends of Neighbors Link Co-Chairs
Wendy Reingold, Co-Chair
Marianne Delaney, Co-Chair
Friends of Neighbors Link
Amy Berger
Sue Bicksler-Taub
Julie Bleha
Aysenil Brittan
Kathy Colby
Jamie Comstock
Marianne Delaney
Florence Dempsey
Sindy Solomon Fedida
Laura Ferrelli
Ellen Finn
Amy Galloway
Katherine Goodman
Denise Hanchet
Agnes Hassell
Tanya Herbick
Jodi Katz
Sandy Kaufman
Eva Kelly
Tammi Lauder
Anne McAndrew
Adriana Murphy
Judy Murphy
Kate Permut
Wendy Reingold
Rachel Roosevelt Reyes
Katherine Rothschild
Emily Schwartz
Lauren Shawn
Nancy Strong
Kathie Swenson
Ali Tejtel
Mara Van Fleet
Laurie Weber
Diane Weingarten
Edie Weintraub-Danovitz
Mary Weiss
Carol Welsh
Love Wootten
Ava Zukowsky
Bedford Katonah Moms Friends of Neighbors Link
Emily Blair
Daria Culver
Allyson DeLorenzo
Anastasia Guadron
Anna Kenoff
Alex Lawrence
Lauren Locke
Melissa Mayer
Sarah Mottl
Jennifer Niles
Lauren Ritter
Linley Taber Salem
Michelle St. John
Ali Tejtel